Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Dang!!! Nazi trainer boy had work out Barbie all over the gym yesterday! I started on tread mill 15 minutes at 3.5 with a 4 incline, from there I went to do crunches on a big ball, then to lift 40 lbs for one rep then back to crunch on ball, then shoulder machine , then back to big ball, then rowing machine then back to big ball, then back to tread mill for five minutes, then back to big ball and rowing machine, arm machine, shoulder machine , more crunches and ending with the treadmill for 15 more minutes.... Why is it when I get on the scale I weigh the same EVERY DAY!!! WHYI ask!!!! Why!!!! Too many power bars???.. I drank my breakfast , had tuna sandwich for lunch, and drank my dinner! If I weigh the same today I am going to just BARF! do any of you all have a problem with spandex crawling up your crack while running...???? Watched great rerun of Tool Time Show..... Stay tuned for more work out info tomorrow. i hope I am inspiring but I know I am not since I do not look any different... with the exception of sweat pouring from my head ....

Friday, September 10, 2010

Day 15 of work out Barbie

The best thing I can say about working out today is that my outfit matched.... No not really, I must admit I was "smok'in" on the treadmill.... I had that thing angeled at a 3 and going along at a 3.8 for ONE whole 15 minute mile....then after killing any leg muscles I ever thought of having i went back for more. The good news is that I got to watch Tool Time Reruns. i did enjoy that. No weight loss on the ol scale, maybe it is because i am sooooo bulked up.... right! The only thing bulked up on my at this point is my stomach.....

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Day 14 of Work out Barbie

Well on my lunch hour my daughter called and told me about the newest thing in Dallas......coconut water....... so i went to Sprouts and bought some. I drank it at my office and the taste was pretty good....... i put on my Barbie work-out-outfit and headed for the gyme.... Only to have the worse case of gas ever!!!!! The gurgling in my stomach was so loud ...Fortunately work out guy was not there today so i did my own thing. My own thing did not call for any bending over or stretching.... I know this post is gross and I am sorry but you have to take the good with the bad in the work out world.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Day 12 of Work out Barbie vs the trainer

I have abused my body over the labor Day Holiday with food and beverages! Sugary beverages and cookie dough in the middle of the night!!!! I can't make this stuff up!!! I mean I will suffer big time tomorrow. I am driving around town dodging anyone that may look like my trainer guy! Hiding my fat body in shame in the corner of my office in total disgust. I guess I will face the music tomorrow !!!! Stay tuned as we see if I can make it without having heart attack!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

You live and Burn

Day 7 completed. Why would anyone be stupid enough to tell their "workout guy" that they ate tacos from the new Fuzzys.!! Well "Workout Barbie is that stupid" I will pay for it tomorrow. I guess i should not have told him i plan on going to the lake for the holidays and eat and drink for four days. You live and learn or should I say "burn".